Saturday, November 7, 2009


The organizer of Nokia 3120c is equipped with an alarm clock, To-do list, Calendar, Notes, Calculator, and Count down Timer, a Stopwatch, and dictionary.

The calendar
The calendar in this floor is sufficiently good enough for day-to-day activity. For each day you can add multiple types of notes such as reminders, meetings, calls, birthdays and memos. If you know how to use these features properly, it can be used to organize your day.

To-Do List

The to-do list enables you to create to-do notes and organize them according to priority.

this phone enables you to create multiple notes there are each one is 3000 characters in length. Although the length of the note is not massive, it comes handy and sufficient most of the time.

The Calculator has modes “standard calculator”, “scientific calculator” and “ loan calculator” inbuilt to it. The scientific calculator has a large variety of features. It would not be a replacement for an scientific calculator but would come handy when a real scientific calculator is not present.

These are the features that have grabbed my attention. There are many more features and I believe that they are common to all devices that can be called as cellular phones.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Nokia 3120 Classical Voice Recognition

I have been using my phone for some time some time and recently tested out its voice recognition feature. At first voice recognition did not work very good with me. But after some training it seemed to understand the commands I spoke to it. Training was done without the headset as I rarely use it.

I checked it out the devices capability in various environments, some of them which were very noisy. Having a contact list of about 400 speech recognition is one of the most important features of a phone to me.

In calm environments, it recognized almost every name I have spoken. But in certain cases, it seemed not to pick up what I said. It may have been caused by my Asian English accent. But this was never a problem to me.

In my day to day activity, I used the phone is noisy and packed Sri Lankan busses, trains and noisy blocked roads. Results I obtained were poor, but not very bad. Although it shows capability to recognize names I speak in noisy environments, I prefer to use the old fashioned method of reaching them.

Overall performance is good without the headset is ‘not bad’. But not good enough for me.
